Subject: Condensate From: Date: 30/10/2023, 02:17 To: Dear sir/madam We have received and approved your provisional invoice (attached file), Kindly introduce us to the party that’ll be receiving the payment in UAE. We would also suggest that the phrases below be added to the contract; “Automatic Termination of Purchase Agreement: (1) This purchase agreement is subject to a 20-day deadline, commencing from the date of signing this agreement. (2) In the event that either the buyer or the seller is unable to fulfill this contract within the specified 20-day period, this purchase agreement shall automatically terminate without any further action by the contracting parties. In this case, both parties are released from any further contractual obligations. (3) Any extension of the deadline or amendments to this agreement require the written consent of both contracting parties. (4) If any provision of this agreement is declared invalid or unenforceable for any reason, this shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of this agreement. The parties commit to replacing the invalid or unenforceable provision with a valid and enforceable provision that most closely aligns with the original economic purpose of the invalid or unenforceable provision. (5) This severability clause is an integral part of this agreement.” “NDA: Unlimited Confidentiality Obligation: (1) Both parties acknowledge the significance of confidentiality regarding the information and trade secrets exchanged under this agreement. The parties commit to rigorously uphold the duty of confidentiality during and after the term of this contract. (2) This confidentiality obligation is unlimited in duration and shall remain in effect irrespective of the formation of this contract or the expiration of the stated deadline as per point [insert point number here]. (3) In the event of a willful breach of the confidentiality obligation by the seller, including but not limited to the unauthorized disclosure of confidential information to third parties or the abusive use of such information for personal gain, the seller shall be obliged to make a penalty payment of 10 million US dollars to the buyer. (4) The parties concur that the aforementioned penalty payment constitutes adequate and just compensation for the buyer and does not preclude any claims for damages or other legal remedies. (5) This provision remains in effect beyond the termination or fulfillment of this contract and is an integral part of this agreement.” We hope to hear from you soon. Best regards, biSmart Consulting GmbH Taborstraße 25, 1020 Wien Tel.: +43 1 231 33 09 Mobil: +43 660 151 49 78 E-Mail: Diese Mitteilung samt Anhang ist ausschließlich für den Adressaten bestimmt und kann vertrauliche Informationen enthalten. Sollten Sie diese E-Mail irrtümlich erhalten haben, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte schnellst möglich und löschen Sie diese Mitteilung samt allen Anhängen. This electronic message including any attachment is confidential and may contain privileged attorney-client information. If you receive this electronic message by mistake, please notify us immediately and then delete this electronic message including any attachment invoice.jpg Attachments: invoice.jpg 91.4 KB