X-Mozilla-Status: 0000 X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000 Subject: RE: MT"CHEM" VOY 2224, AT BND TO LOAD AROUND 8 KT CONDENSTAE / TASK FORCE REPORT Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2022 13:53:44 +0330 Message-Id: <482439049@localhost> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="__=_MixedPart_1298317936_856443443" From: saharathunder To: CC: , BCC: X-Read: 1 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --__=_MixedPart_1298317936_856443443 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="__=_AltPart_997722610_1129591551" --__=_AltPart_997722610_1129591551 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Dear Sir, Your message well received. Thanks for updating and explaining the process and in line with your all effo= rts the charterer also trying to get approval form their principal to send a = letter to related authority in order to facilitate your efforts for getting p= ermission of workflow for vessel Chem. Best Regards, Operation Sahara Thunder ----- Original Message ----- From: RAMESH [mailto:ops@marinecrown.com] To: <operation@saharathunder.com> Cc: ops@arsangco.com, ops@marinecrown.com Sent: Sat, 24 Dec 2022 13:33:41 +0330 Subject: MT"CHEM" VOY 2224, AT BND TO LOAD AROUND 8 KT CONDENSTAE / TASK FOR= CE REPORT Dear Mr Roodsari, Please note we have sent below message to owner for your reference. Quote Good day, In order to be in process of obtaining visa for crews we are here by writing = to elaborate as to how the task developed at Immigration and passport control= ling Police office at Tehran & B.Abbas branches: -First of all to clear more and in reply to your concerns , please note as we= maintained before and as per regulation here in Iranian ports ,for Cabotage = shipping, all vessels must have either Iranian flag or being of Iranian nati= onality. Except for this, all foreign vessels have to obtain work permit dur= ing the period which they are staying At Iranian territories. As you are well aware the crews were supposed to be changed as quickly as pos= sible during 10 days ; for which, as per the owner=E2=80=99s request , discus= sion were made with Police Immigration offices so that we would be able to ha= ve more time for coordination between the guys involved. It shouldn=E2=80=99t= be left unsaid that obtaining the port clearance generally accomplishes in s= hortest time and the delaying of the vessel is for the crews and the formalit= ies to be processed exactly. Anyway , in order to conclude the case we took s= o many steps as below: -We had more than 15 session and meeting with top management of Tehran and B.= Abbas immigration police offices and managed to get their agreement for conti= nuation of Mt Chem,s duties under condition set by Immigration police: - A fine of USD 12370 supposed to be paid and after haggling the price ultima= tely agreed with the amount of USD 10500 as the staying and illegal staying f= ee of the crews. - New crews staves must have been obtained by staying visa as work permit and= the cost of which to be advised to owner. -it was agreed that exit of the crews to be inputted in police automation sys= tem 15 days later so that the owner of the vsl to be able to have enough time= to hire new crews. -the process of file creating for no entry of the Chem=E2=80=99s crews took l= ong for a week and since the start we are in constant following up and docume= nts gathering. -Today the illegal staying cost of crews are to be settled with the relevant = immigration offices. -Further for the aforesaid issue , we had more than 10 meeting with below org= anization : Port & Maritime Organization General Directorate of Maritime Affairs of the Port & Maritime Organizati= on of the State Maritime Directorate of Shahid Rajaee Port And the above organization agreed to have a blind eye on the operation of Mt = Chem. Also charterer made require coordination so that the desired conclusion= to be obtained from above mentioned organizations. Un Quote Best Regards Ramesh Aflakian (Mr.) Ops Manager Asia Marine Crown Agency (AMC) Apt. 7 , 1st floor, South wing , Bldg. No.21,Kar Va Tejarat St., Vanak Sq,Tehran 1991943845, Iran Tel: +98 21 86 08 04 31 +98 21 86 08 36 90 Cell:+98 912 385 9771 --__=_AltPart_997722610_1129591551 Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Dear Sir,
Your message well received.
Thanks for updating and explaining the proces= s and in line with your all efforts the charterer also trying to get approval= form their principal to send a letter to related authority in order to facil= itate your efforts for getting permission of workflow for vessel Chem.
Best Regards,
Sahara Thunder

----- Origi= nal Message -----
From: RAMESH [mailto:ops@marinecrown.com]
= To: <operation@saharathunder.com>
Cc: ops@arsangco.com, ops@marinecrown.com
Sent: Sat, 2= 4 Dec 2022 13:33:41 +0330

Dear Mr Roodsari,


Please note we have= sent below message to owner for your reference.




Good day,


In order to be in process of obtaining visa for crews = we are here by writing to elaborate as to how the task developed at Immigrati= on and passport controlling Police office at Tehran & B.Abbas branches:


-First of all to clear more and in reply t= o your concerns , please note as we maintained before and as per regulation h= ere in Iranian ports ,for Cabotage shipping,  all vessels must have eith= er Iranian flag or being of Iranian nationality. Except for this,  all f= oreign vessels have to obtain work permit during the period which they are st= aying At Iranian territories.   


As you are well aware the crews were suppo= sed to be changed as quickly as possible during 10 days ; for which, as per t= he owner=E2=80=99s request , discussion were made with Police Immigration off= ices so that we would be able to have more time for coordination between the = guys involved. It shouldn=E2=80=99t be left unsaid that obtaining the port cl= earance generally accomplishes in shortest time and the delaying of the vesse= l is for the crews and the formalities to be processed exactly. Anyway , in o= rder to conclude the case we took so many steps as below: 


-We had more than 15 session and meeting with top mana= gement of Tehran and B.Abbas immigration police offices and managed to get th= eir agreement for continuation of Mt Chem,s duties under condition set by Imm= igration police:  


- A fine of USD 12370 = supposed to be paid and after haggling the price ultimately agreed wit= h the amount of USD 10500 as the stayi= ng and illegal staying fee of the crews.


- New crews staves must have been obtained by staying = visa as work permit and the cost of which to be advised to owner.


-it was agreed that exit of the crews to be inputted i= n police automation system 15 days later so that the owner of the vsl to be a= ble to have enough time to hire new crews.


-the process of file creating for no entry of the Chem= =E2=80=99s crews took long for a week and since the start we are in constant = following up and documents gathering.


-Today the illegal staying cost of crews are to be set= tled with the relevant immigration offices.


-Further for the aforesaid issue , we had more than 10= meeting with below organization :


Port & Maritime Organization

General Directorate of Maritime Affairs of the Port &a= mp; Maritime Organization of the State

Maritime Directorate of Shahid Rajaee Port


And the above organization agreed to have a blind eye = on the operation of Mt Chem. Also charterer made require coordination so that= the desired conclusion to be obtained from above mentioned organizations.


Un Quote


Best Regards


Ramesh Aflakian (Mr.= )

Ops Manager


Asia Marine Crown Agency (AMC)

Apt. 7 , 1st floor, = South wing ,

Bldg. No.21,Kar Va T= ejarat St.,

Vanak Sq,Tehran 1991= 943845, Iran


Tel: +98 21 86 08 04= 31

   &n= bsp;   = +98 21 86 08 36 90

Cell:+98 912 385 977= 1

   &n= bsp;           



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