Subject: MT CHEM - VOY.02.23 At BND - Postponed STS Operation due to bad Weather
From: <>
Date: 14/01/2023, 02:41
To: "'operation'" <>
CC: <>


Good Day,


Ref to below message , please be informed that STS provider has already checked the weather condition and

due to bad weather and instability, STS operation is not possible and safe, hence  the operation postponed

to tomorrow noon time 15.01.2023 ,IWP.


Reverting with further news accordingly.





Best Regards


Mohammad Mohseni

Ops Executive


Asia Marine Crown Agency (AMC)

Apt. 7 , 1st floor, South wing ,

Bldg. No.21,Kar Va Tejarat St.,

Vanak Sq,Tehran 1991943845, Iran


Tel: +98 21 86 08 04 31

       +98 21 86 08 36 90

Cell:+98 910 408 3449




From: Operation 2 []
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2023 12:14 PM
To: 'operation' <>
Subject: RE: MT CHEM - VOY.02.23 At BND - Pilot To Board


Good day,

Further to our previous emails,please be informed that weather has moderated and

pilot has been scheduled to board MT Chem for STS operation this afternoon around 0400 hrs lt .

Reverting with further new accordingly.

Best Regards


Mohammad Mohseni

Ops Executive


Asia Marine Crown Agency (AMC)

Apt. 7 , 1st floor, South wing ,

Bldg. No.21,Kar Va Tejarat St.,

Vanak Sq,Tehran 1991943845, Iran


Tel: +98 21 86 08 04 31

       +98 21 86 08 36 90

Cell:+98 910 408 3449



    Dear Mr.Roudsari,


    Further to below email, please note , due to sever windy weather port is still closed and STS operation is not possible.

    We will check and back to you tomorrow around  noon time with further news accordingly.




    Best Regards


    Mohammad Mohseni

    Ops Executive


    Asia Marine Crown Agency (AMC)

    Apt. 7 , 1st floor, South wing ,

    Bldg. No.21,Kar Va Tejarat St.,

    Vanak Sq,Tehran 1991943845, Iran


    Tel: +98 21 86 08 04 31

           +98 21 86 08 36 90

    Cell:+98 910 408 3449




    From: []
    Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2023 1:32 PM
    To: 'operation' <>
    Cc: '' <>
    Subject: RE: MT CHEM - VOY. 01.23 At BND - Awaiting to load CND



    Dear Mr.Roudsari,


    Ref to below message please find the attached weather forecast file  for your kind ref .As per STS provider and the attached report

    Bad weather condition will be continued till  Saturday morning.


    Reverting with any news.




    Best Regards