Subject: RE: Eastern Pride
From: "SM" <>
Date: 25/01/2023, 01:03
To: "'operation'" <>
CC: "''" <>

Dear Sir

I am sure there are some mis-communications, agent has applied for off signers visas so how come they are saying the don’t have any instruction on delivery of the vessels. Please send your agent details so we can ask our managers to liaison locally.

From the time vessel sailed from China we have been asking for delivery location and date and official letter, the letter was only delivered to us yesterday  after your persuasion and follow up. Respected owners must realize if appointment of new managers was taken place before vessel arrival to delivery location being KFK we could have arranged for all formalities with peace of mind. Anyway vessel is ready in all aspect to be delivered while we are waiting for off signer visas which expect to be approved by today or tomorrow at latest.

We also understand port has stopped all boats going to vessel due to bad weather but will see how your agent have said they can arrange the boat, anyway in view of vessel life boat capacity we can’t have both teams on board at one time.

Mr Arya the superintended is copied for following up and up dating.


Best Regards




From: operation <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2023 11:07 AM
To: SM <>;
Subject: RE: Eastern Pride


Dear Sir,


Your message well received but mean time please check with your agent as they were not in picture of management change and also they did not get visa for existing crew which is going to delay boarding of new crew.

Also please push your manager to pass requested docs for new flag in order to proceed and grant the flag before weekend.

Please check and revert soonest


Best Regards,


Sahara Thunder


-------- Original message --------

From: SM <>

Date: 1/25/23 10:44 (GMT+03:30)

To: 'saharathunder' <>

Subject: Eastern Pride


Dear Mr Roudsari

These are my communications this morning with current and new managers which I think I have BCC you couple of them, please see if there are any outstanding items to be followed up and advise,


Best Regards
