Subject: M.T. REMY : 6 HRLY LOADING REPORT-0600/22.02.2023 From: "master" Date: 21/02/2023, 19:07 To: CC: , , , , "'SeaArt 4'" , , "'SASMC'" , "'SeaArt - Marine Superintendent'" Good day, Please find below the 6 hrly loading operation report : AT 0600 hrs/22.02.2023 Vessel alongside M.T. Sonia 1 at OPL . Continuous loading is in progress. CARGO LOADED : 124735 MT CARGO REMAINING TO LOAD: 18705 MT AVERAGE LOADING RATE: 7337 MT/HR ETC : 1400/22.02.2023 SOF’S 20.02.2023 0124 HRS LT : EOSP/ VESSEL ARRIVED AT KAZ OPL 0224 HRS LT : VESSEL ANCHORED / NORT 0224 HRS LT : NOR ACCEPTED 21.02.2023 0500 HRS LT : PILOT ON BOARD 0600 HRS LT : ANCHOR AWEIGH 0818 HRS LT : FIRST LINE TO m/v 0930 HRS LT: ALL FAST PORT SIDE A/S TO SONIA 1 1000 HRS LT : GANGWAY DOWN 1006 HRS LT : COMMENCED TANKS INSPECTION 1054 HRS LT : COMPLETED TANKS INSPECTION / COMMENCED CALCULATIONS 1112 HRS LT : COMPLETED CALCULATIONS 1242 HRS LT : HOSES CONNECTED 12” X 2, 10” X 1 1300 HRS LT : COMMENCED LOADING Best Regards, Capt. Pawaskar A.D. M.T. Remy Tel Vsat: +35725030094 Iridium: +881677131783 E mail: SeaArt_sign image003.jpg Attachments: image003.jpg 3.5 KB