Subject: M.T. REMY: PRE ARRIVAL DOCS FOR NIPAH ANCHORAGE- PART-4 From: "master" Date: 06/03/2023, 20:41 To: CC: , "'operation'" , , , , Good day, Please find attached the pre arrival docs – part 4 Kindly see the answers to your questions in red font in below mail. Please ack safe receipt, remaining docs coming soon. Best Regards, Capt. Pawaskar A.D. M.T. Remy Tel Vsat: +35725030094 Iridium: +881677131783 E mail: SeaArt_sign From: Sent: Monday, March 6, 2023 7:21 PM To: Cc: Subject: REMY NOMINATION STS AT NIPAH ANCHORAGE Dear Master MT Remy Good Day, This is PT. Bhinneka Maritime Logistik and we are the local agent for your good vessel calling Nipah Transit Anchorage Area for STS operation . Please find below the documents required for the entry permit application and clearance formality. Kindly forward these certs to us as soon as possible: 1. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRY-ATTACHED 2. CERTIFICATE OF CLASS -ATTACHED 3. CARGO SHIP SAFETY RADIO CERTIFICATE -ATTACHED 4. CARGO SHIP SAFETY CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATE -ATTACHED 5. CARGO SHIP SAFETY EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATE -ATTACHED 6. INTERNATIONAL LOAD LINE CERTIFICATE -ATTACHED 7. INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTANT PREVENTION CERTIFICATE(IOPP) -ATTACHED 8. CERTIFICATE OF FITNESS (IF ANY) - NOT APPLICABLE 9. INTERNATIONAL TONNAGE CERTIFICATE - -ATTACHED 10. INTERNATIONAL SEWAGE POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE - -ATTACHED 11. INTERNATIONAL AIR POLLUTION PREVENTION -ATTACHED 12. SAFETY MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATE (SMC) -ATTACHED 13. DOCUMENT OF COMPLIANCE -ATTACHED 14. INTERNATIONAL SHIP SECURITY CERTIFICATE (ISSC) -ATTACHED 15. MINIMUM SAFE MANNING DOCUMENT -ATTACHED 16. SHIP SANITATION CONTROL EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE (SSCEC) -ATTACHED 17. PORT STATE CONTROL (PSC) – NO DONE WITH THIS MANAGEMENT , SHIP NEW IN MANAGEMENT 18. INFLATABLE LIFERAFT CERTIFICATE -ATTACHED 19. FIRE EXTINGUISHER CERTIFICATE 20. ANTIFOULING CERTIFICATE -ATTACHED 21. SHIP PARTICULAR 22. CLC OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE -ATTACHED 23. CLC BUNKER CERTIFICATE -ATTACHED 24. WRECK REMOVAL CERTIFICATE -ATTACHED 25. SSO/SHIP SECURITY OFFICER CERTIFICATE and CSO / COMPANY SECURITY OFFICER CERTIFICATE 26. UPDATE IMO CREW LIST BOTH IN EXCEL FORMAT AND PDF FORMAT WITH MASTER'S SIGNATURE/STAMP 27. PLS FILL FORMAT CREW LIST FROM HARBOUR MASTER (ATTACHED) Pls blank the column that you don't know 28. LAST PORT CLEARANCE and ADIC (IF LAST PORT FROM SINGAPORE) -ATTACHED 29. MARITIME DECLARATION OF HEALTH 30. VACCINATION LIST 31. STOWAGE PLAN -ATTACHED 32. VOYAGE MEMO (10 LAST PORT OF CALL) 33. COPY BL / CARGO MANIFEST FOR ALL CARGOS ONBOARD or IN BALLAST CONDITION (NIL cargo manifest if the vessel in ballast) -ATTACHED 34. MEDICINE CERT 35. CREW TEMP DOCS (3 days before until arrival) 36. CSR- -ATTACHED If any document don’t have pls inform soon Pls include additional vsl detail when sending back GENERAL ARRANGEMENT PLAN DRAWING MOORING PLAN UPDATE Q88 -ATTACHED Following is the info required - Voyage No : 001-23 - Last Port / Next Port after Nipah : BASRAH, IRAQ / TBA - Eta Nipah Anchorage : ? 1600 HRS / 08 MARCH 2023 - Arrival draft : ? 17.05 EK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pls Note : - We need ASAP prior arrival of the vessel to submit all formality and permits. - Strictly prohibited for throw any materials, waste, garbage, oil, slops or etc from vessel to the sea during stayed in Nipah anchorage. - Please ensure that all crew passports validity on board not less than 6 months to avoid unnecessary procedures. - Please always turn on AIS during vessel stay in the Indonesia area. - Installed vessel nationality flag, Indonesia flag, immigration signal (November flag), and quarantine signal (yellow flag). - For vessels coming from overseas flying 'Q' flag in the daytime and turn on the red-white light at night time. - Flying 'G' flag, sign for pilot request at day time and vertical white- red light at night time and flying 'H' flag when pilot boarded the vessel. - During waiting time or while sts ops do not allow uninvited persons to come on-board except Agent, Surveyor, and POAC/Loadmaster, to avoid undesirable things. - Please contact the Pilot prior to 2/1 hours arrival at the Pilot Station and 2 hours before departure for the Pilot arrangement. - For vessels entering Nipah, PILOT WILL ONLY GUIDE the vessel into Nipah Anchorage and will anchor at a safe position. - Thereafter POAC will board for the Safe Meeting prior to heaving anchor and proceed with the berthing process. Following is the Nipah Transit Anchorage port info for your ref, asf : Under the regulation from Port Authorities, all vessels entering and departing Nipah Anchorage are required to use Pilotage service. Coordinate will be guided by Pilot Boarding Ground The Pilot Station call sign is “NIPAH Pilot ” and main VHF radio channel for contacting the Pilot Station is channel VHF 16/71 . The vessel does not have to report to the port authority, please drop an email to the local agent upon arrival and the local agent will report on behalf of vessels. To avoid any problem, pls do not sail out your vessel from Nipah prior Port Clearance onboard. Attached the port paper for master preparation. FOR PORT AUTHORITY / HARBOUR MASTER OFFICER PLS SENT EMAIL COPY OF ORIGINAL SHIP'S CERTIFICATE PRIOR VESSEL ARRIVAL AS FOLLOW: **SAME DOCUMENT FOR ARRANGE CLEARANCE FORMALITY ABOVE (1-36) We will update you STS Plan shortly Hope to inform you well. Many thanks for your kind attention. Best Regards Septi Rahmad Hidayat (Mr) Phone : +62 82151271803 Whatsap : +62 82151271803 PT. Bhinneka Maritime Logistik (As Agent Only) Tel : +62 778 489 0037 Email : Web : OPBC Building Blok B3 No.11 - Jln. Raja Fisabilillah, OPBC Business District Blok B3 No.11, Baloi Permai, Batam Kota, Batam, 29431 - Kepulauan Riau - Indonesia PIC : Hafiz +62 81272727252, Septi +62 82151271803, Sahril +62 82298693733, Vandre +62 82384151139 image002.jpg Attachments: body temp.pdf 224 KB crew list.pdf 331 KB fire extinguisher.pdf 500 KB form22_Crew_List.pdf 306 KB form22_Crew_List.xls 17.4 KB FORMAT OF CREW LIST.xls 35.0 KB image002.jpg 3.5 KB last port of calls.pdf 160 KB MARITIME DECLARATION OF HEALTH.pdf 235 KB SSO.pdf 423 KB TSI Avinash Kumar - DPA & CSO Certificate.pdf 214 KB vaccination list.pdf 194 KB