Subject: FW: changing bank account-SAHARA_FAXON_DUNE From: saharathunder Date: 14/05/2023, 02:08 To: ----- Original Message ----- From: Moradzadeh [] To: Cc: ,,,"'Mina Rahmani'" , Sent: Tue, 9 May 2023 16:54:42 +0330 Subject: FW: changing bank account-SAHARA_FAXON_DUNE Dear madam; Please find attached invoices with new bank account as requested below. Meanwhile please request the charterer to proceed the remittance a.s.a.p as the given bank acct may be closed after next 10 working days. Best regards Moradzadeh NITC Treasury Dept. TEL : +9821 2380 4416 Fax: +98 21 2204 2518 E-MAIL : From: Sameni [] Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2023 4:12 PM To: 'Moradzadeh' Cc:;;; 'Mina Rahmani' ; Subject: changing bank account-SAHARA_FAXON_DUNE Dear Mr. Moradzadeh Good day Please make final invoice with a new valid bank account( new account of CALTEX),as you mentioned that the previous account of Caltex is closed(attach) FYKI the invoice NO 202200868 issued with JUISHIN, Please also let us know if it is ok or should be changed, as well. Regards Sameni Commercial-Ops.Dept. ForwardedMessage.eml Subject: CALTEX bank account has been closed From: "Sameni" Date: 07/05/2023, 05:36 To: CC: , Dear All Below For Your Kind Info Please. Regards Sameni Commercial-Ops.Dept. Dear all; We have already been informed by our broker that the account of Caltex Raw Materials Trading LLC in ADCB bank has been closed. Please request the charterers not to make any payment to aforementioned acct. Best regards Moradzadeh NITC Treasury Dept. TEL : +9821 2380 4416 Fax: +98 21 2204 2518 E-MAIL : From: Sameni Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2023 11:00 AM To: '' Subject: Sahara Dear Sir Good day Below is the recent balance of SAHARA-Dune-Faxon: مطالبات از شرکت تندر صحرا-دلار 19,000.00 با کسر مقدار downpayment صورتحساب اجاره هشتم کشتی فکسون 104,054.55 صورتحساب سوخت خریداری شده فکسون 302,091.38 صورتحساب سوخت خریداری شده فکسون 45,584.00 مابه التفاوت صورتحساب سوخت ورود به سرویس-فکسون 218,089.27 صورتحساب سوخت خریداری شده دیون 1,643,000.00 اجاره ماه هشتم کشتی دیون 1,590,000.00 اجاره ماه نهم کشتی دیون 3,921,819.20 جمع کل تا تاریخ 07/05/2023 account details: CALTEX Regards Sameni Commercial-Ops.Dept. Attachments: FAXON-SAHARA- 202201451.docx 28.3 KB 8th hire DuneSahara-202300389.docx 27.0 KB 9TH HIRE-SAHARA-DUNE-202300458.docx 26.9 KB ForwardedMessage.eml 28.6 KB 8th hire DuneSahara-202300389.pdf 206 KB 9TH HIRE-SAHARA-DUNE-202300458.pdf 229 KB FAXON-SAHARA- 202201451.pdf 130 KB FINAL DUNE INVOICE.PDF 175 KB CALTEX RAW MATERIALS TRADING LLC documents -1.pdf 1.2 MB