Subject: RE: M.T REMY: \\ SOF for Khorfakkan 14:00 LT of 26/08/2023 From: "master" Date: 26/08/2023, 03:23 To: , , CC: , , , , , , "'SeaArt - Crewing Manager 4'" , "'SeaArt - Procurement Officer 2'" , "'SASMC \( Flp Manager \)'" , "'Mahesh'" Dear Sirs Good day, Please find attached SOF for Khorfakkan 14:00 LT of 26/08/2023 Kindly note that vessel received bunkers & MGO for COT cleaning, also completed Demucking COT & commenced re-inerting the COT for washing with MGO 25.08.2023 23:36 Completed De-mucking operation. 26.08.2023 10:40 Service boat ‘WHALES PEARI ‘ STBD side alongside. 10: 45 Commence off landing De-mucking equipment. 2 skips with approx. 20 MT of sludge. 12:45 Service boat ‘WHALES PEARI ‘ Cast off. Vessel waiting for second service boat. 13:00 Checking atmosphere in COT is 16-18% of O2 Warm & Best Regards, Capt. Oleksandr Vermiyenko Master of M.T. Remy Tel Vsat: +35725030094 Iridium: +881677131783 E mail: SeaArt_sign image001.jpg Attachments: COM-SOF DE-MUCKING JOB.doc 93.0 KB image001.jpg 3.5 KB