Subject: REMY / FULL OPERATION / LINGGI PORT / 20 SEPT 2023 / STS MT IVY From: "TAGLM" Date: 19/09/2023, 22:35 To: "Operation" , , "Master IVY" , "Dennis@Kirk Ward" , , "Capt.Gautam Bhalla Marine Superintendent" , "Capt. Mike Operation - Owner" , "TechnicalDirector Oleg" , "TSI Avinash Singh" , "Vladislav Technical Assistant" , "master" CC: "CSKI" , "Capt Mohd Suhaimi Mustafa" , "Ainur Ilmy Mohd Zanif" , , , "Omkar Sawant CrewingManager 4" Reply-to: Dear Sir, Please find the details as per below, ARRIVAL INFO MT REMY LOA : 269 DISPL : 144818 DRAFT : 14.75 FB : 9.6 18 SEPT 2023 18/2000: Vsl arrived 18/2100: Free pratique granted 18/2000: NORT 18/2100: POAC onboard 18/2100: Pilot onboard 18/2154: Tug made fast 18/2154: C/L#2 18/2230: C/L#3 18/2330: Comm mooring 19 SEPT 2023 19/0024: Vsl all fast 19/0024: NORA 19/0030: Tug cast off 19/0036: Pilot away 19/1206: 2 Surveyor onboard 19/1324: Comm hose connection 19/1406: Comp hose connection 19/1206: Comm key meeting 19/1248: Comp key meeting 19/1300: commence sampling 19/1406: C/L#4 19/1248: Comm tank inspection 19/1348: Comp tank inspection 19/1348: commence calculation 19/1424: complete calculation 1930: completed sampling 20/0830: commence hose disconnection 20/0930: completed hose disconnection 20/1024: 2 new hoses onboard 20/1024-1142: transfer hose from port side to stbd side(Ivy Vsl) 20/1142: commence hose connection 20/1218: completed hose connection Delay 19/0024-1206: Awaiting surveyor onboard 19/1424-1930: awaiting surveyor to finish taking sample 19/1930-2212: awaiting thunderstorm/weather to pass 19/2212-2300: awaiting green light from remy owner to discharge 19/2300-20/1024: awaiting replacement hose as per charterer instruction 20/1218: Awaiting green light from Remy owner to commence operation Thanks & Best regards, A.FAIZU BIN ABU BAKAR @ MUSTAFFA (As Agent Only) LOT 3 & 8, LKIM COMPLEX KUALA LINGGI, PORT OF SUNGAI LINGGI, 78200 KUALA SUNGAI BARU, MALACCA, MALAYSIA. TEL : +606-387 7300 FAX : +606-387 7301 AOH : +6012-2322559 ARIFF HAMIDON (OPERATION MANAGER / AOH : +6019-9209638 LUQMAN (OPS EXEC) AOH : +6013-6600064 A.FAIZU (OPS EXEC) AOH : +6011-23123792 IRFAN (OPS EXEC) OPERATION E-MAIL GROUP: Attachments: image003.jpg 0 bytes