Subject: RE: MT REMY: VOYAGE INSTRUCTIONS URGENT From: "master" Date: 26/11/2023, 22:54 To: "Chartering Vitaliy" , "Capt. Mike Operation - Owner" CC: , "Technical Director Oleg" , , "Capt. Gautam Bhalla Marine Superintendent" Good day, Please note at 08:12LT 27/11/2023 vessel departed from Suez canal and commence proceeding to Meditterian sea W-bound. Kindly require instruction where to proceed? Thanks & Best Regards, Capt. Denis Popov Master of M.T. Remy Tel Vsat: +35725030094 Iridium: +881677131783 E mail: SeaArt_sign From: master Sent: 27 November 2023 02:03 To: Chartering Vitaliy ( ; Capt. Mike Operation - Owner ( Cc: '' ; Technical Director Oleg ( ; '' ; Capt. Gautam Bhalla Marine Superintendent ( Subject: MT REMY: VOYAGE INSTRUCTIONS URGENT Importance: High Good day, Kindly note vessel to complete Suez canal transit in approx. 8 hour and still vessel did not receive clear voyage instructions. Since ETA requested by ops/chartering deps to KAVKAZ , SKAGEN, UST LUGA, MURMANSK vessel URGENTLY require instruction where to proceed?? Black sea (N-bound) or Baltic/Norwegian sea (W-bound)?? URGENTLY ADVISE! Thanks & Best Regards, Capt. Tymofii Shyshkin Master of M.T. Remy Tel Vsat: +35725030094 Iridium: +881677131783 E mail: SeaArt_sign image002.jpg image003.jpg Attachments: image002.jpg 3.5 KB image003.jpg 3.5 KB